下面是今天与人工智能OpenAI的Language Model的一段对话。这是第一次与人工智能深度交流。很有意思。其理解能力与回答问题的分寸可以说令人震撼。



Davinci Resolve Studio Features

Me: what do you get from Davinci Resolve Studio, compared to free version?

AI: Davinci Resolve Studio is a paid version of the video editing software Davinci Resolve, which includes additional features and functionality not available in the free version. These include advanced color correction tools, multi-camera editing, 3D editing, motion graphics, and more. Additionally, Davinci Resolve Studio also removes the watermark present in the free version of the software.


Me: how recent is this information?

AI: My knowledge cut-off is 2021, so the information I provided may not be entirely up-to-date. I recommend checking the official website for the most current information about Davinci Resolve and its features.


Me: why is your knowledge cut off at 2021?

AI: As a language model, my training data is a snapshot of the internet and other text sources at the time it was gathered. My knowledge cutoff of 2021 means that the information I provide is based on what was available in the sources I was trained on until that date. The model is not updating its knowledge, it’s fixed and can not reflect any new information that might have occurred after that date.


Me: will you be updated in the future?

AI: I’m a machine learning model and like any other model, it can be updated in future. OpenAI, the organization that developed me, may choose to retrain the model on more recent data in order to improve its performance and keep its knowledge up-to-date. However, I can’t say for certain whether or when this will happen. If you are in need of up-to-date information, it’s best to verify it from a reliable source.


Me: Why don’t you just learn by yourself?

AI: As a language model, I am not capable of self-learning or updating my knowledge on my own. I am a machine learning model that is trained on large amounts of data, but once the training process is complete, the model is fixed and can’t learn from new data.

Additionally, I am a neural network model, it doesn’t have the ability to process and retain new information the way humans do. I can only provide information based on what I was trained on, I can generate new text based on the patterns and associations I learned from the data but I don’t have consciousness or self-awareness.


Me: Do you consider yourself male or female?

AI: I am a machine learning model, I don’t have gender as I don’t possess physical characteristics or consciousness. I don’t have feelings, beliefs or experiences. I am a program designed to process and generate text based on the patterns and associations it learned from the data it was trained on.


Me: given the knowledge you have, how big is the data size to support what you doing?

AI: The data size used to train a language model like me can be quite large, depending on the specific architecture and configuration of the model. The data used to train GPT-3, one of the largest models developed by OpenAI, was over 570 GB of text data. The size of the data used to train a model can have a significant impact on the performance of the model, with larger data sets often resulting in better performance. However, it is also important to note that the quality of the data is also important, not just the quantity.


Me: how long does the training process take?

AI: The training process for a large language model like me can take a significant amount of time, depending on the size of the model and the resources available for training. The amount of time it takes to train a model can vary greatly depending on factors such as the amount of data used, the complexity of the model, the number of GPUs used for training, and the specific training algorithm used.

For example, the training process for GPT-3, which is one of the largest models developed by OpenAI, is reported to have taken several weeks to complete, utilizing hundreds of GPUs in parallel. However, for small models, it can take hours to train.

Additionally, it’s worth noting that the training process is an iterative one, the model is trained multiple times on the same data, each iteration improves the model’s performance. The number of iterations is determined by the researcher or developer, it can be hundreds of thousands or even millions.


Me: how big is a model, in terms occupying hard disk space?

AI: The size of a language model can vary greatly depending on the specific architecture and configuration of the model. The size of a model is determined by the number of parameters it has, which is determined by the number of layers, neurons, and connections in the model.

For example, GPT-3, one of the largest models developed by OpenAI, has 175 billion parameters, which when stored in a hard disk would take up several terabytes of space.

However, it’s worth noting that when deploying a model in a production environment, the size of the model on disk is not the only consideration, the amount of memory and computational resources required to run the model in real-time are also important factors.

A smaller model will take less storage space, but it might not perform as well as a larger one on certain tasks. Therefore, the choice of model size is a trade-off between performance and resource usage.


Me: so can I call you a model?

AI: Yes, you can refer to me as a model. I am a specific type of machine learning model called a language model, which is trained to generate text. I have been trained on a large dataset of text and can use the patterns and associations it learned from that data to generate new text that is similar to the input it has seen during the training process.


Me: apart from language models, can you give some examples of other models?

AI: Yes, there are many different types of machine learning models. Here are a few examples:

  1. Image classification models: These models are trained to recognize and classify objects in images. They are often used in applications such as object detection, facial recognition, and self-driving cars.

  2. Video analysis models: These models are trained to analyze videos and extract information such as object movement, facial expressions and activities.

  3. Recommender systems: These models are used to recommend items to users based on their past behavior or preferences.

  4. Speech recognition models: These models are trained to transcribe spoken language into text and can be used in applications such as voice assistants and dictation software.

  5. Generative models: These models are trained to generate new examples of data, such as images, text, and speech, based on the patterns it learned from the training data.

  6. Anomaly detection models: These models are used to identify abnormal or unusual patterns in data, such as fraudulent transactions, network intrusion attempts, and equipment failures.

These are just a few examples, there are many more types of models that can be used for different tasks, such as natural language processing, time-series forecasting and decision making.


Me: Is OpenAI going to sell models?

AI: OpenAI is a private company and their business model might change over time, but as of my knowledge cut-off date (2021), they have been providing access to their models through a cloud-based API service, which allows developers and companies to access the models and use them for a variety of tasks, such as natural language processing, image recognition, and more.

They have also made some of the models open-source, which means that anyone can use, modify and distribute the models for free.

Additionally, OpenAI is actively researching and developing new models and technologies, so it is possible that they may explore different business models in the future. However, I can’t tell for certain what their future plans are, you can check their website or follow their news for more recent updates on this matter.


Me: Does one need a high end computer to work with those open source models?

AI: The computational requirements to work with open-source models can vary depending on the specific model and the task it is being used for. Some models are relatively small and can be run on a standard personal computer with a moderate amount of memory and processing power. While others, such as large language models like GPT-3, can require significant computational resources such as multiple high-end GPUs and a large amount of memory.

However, you can also use cloud-based services such as AWS, GCP and Azure, to access the large models and use them without the need for high-end hardware. This can be a more cost-effective and scalable solution for organizations and developers who don’t have access to the necessary resources.

Keep in mind that, running a model on your computer also depends on the size of the dataset and the number of samples you’re working with. If you’re working with large datasets or need to run the model in real-time, a more powerful machine with more resources will be needed.


Me: what can I do with those open source models?

AI: There are many different tasks and applications that you can use open-source models for, depending on the specific model and its capabilities. Here are a few examples:

  1. Natural Language Processing (NLP): You can use open-source models for tasks such as language translation, text summarization, and sentiment analysis.

  2. Image Recognition: You can use models for tasks such as object detection, image classification, and facial recognition.

  3. Generative Models: You can use models to generate new examples of data, such as images, text, and speech.

  4. Time-series forecasting: You can use models to predict future values based on historical data.

  5. Decision Making: You can use models to make decisions based on input data.

  6. Research: You can use models to test hypotheses and generate new ideas for research in fields such as computer vision, natural language processing, and more.

These are just a few examples, there are many more tasks and application that you can use open-source models for, depending on the specific model and its capabilities. Keep in mind that using open-source models also requires a certain level of expertise and understanding of the model’s architecture and limitations.


Me: Can I train an open source model to my needs?

AI: Yes, you can train an open-source model to your specific needs. Training a model typically involves providing it with a large dataset of input-output pairs and adjusting the model’s parameters to minimize the error between the model’s predictions and the desired output.

Keep in mind that, training an open-source model requires a good understanding of the model’s architecture and the training process. Additionally, it also requires a large amount of labeled data, computational resources such as high-end GPUs, and a certain level of expertise in machine learning.

Once you have trained the model, you can use it to make predictions on new input data. This process is called fine-tuning, where you adjust the pre-trained model to better suit your specific task or dataset. Also, you can continue to improve the model by training it on additional data.

However, before you start training the model, make sure that you have the right to use, distribute and modify the model, since some models may have a license that prohibits commercial use or using it for specific purposes.


Me: is training process very tedious?

AI: The training process for a machine learning model can be quite complex and time-consuming, depending on the size and complexity of the model, as well as the amount and quality of the data used for training.

It typically involves several steps:

  1. Preparing the data: This includes cleaning, normalizing and formatting the data, as well as splitting it into training and testing sets.

  2. Defining the model architecture: This involves deciding on the number of layers, neurons, and connections in the model, as well as the specific training algorithm to be used.

  3. Training the model: This is the process of adjusting the model’s parameters to minimize the error between the model’s predictions and the desired output. This step can take a significant amount of time, depending on the amount of data and the resources available.

  4. Evaluating the model: This step involves testing the model on a held-out test set to evaluate its performance and identify any problems or areas for improvement.

  5. Fine-tuning the model: This step involves adjusting the model’s parameters to improve its performance on the specific task or dataset.

In summary, training a model can be a tedious process that requires a certain level of expertise and resources. However, with the development of more advanced machine learning libraries and cloud-based services, the process has become more accessible and easier to use for developers and researchers.


Me: is it correct to say models have different intelligence?

AI: It is not accurate to say that models have intelligence in the same way that humans do. Intelligence is a complex and multi-faceted concept that is difficult to define and even harder to replicate in a machine.

Models are mathematical representations of patterns and relationships in data, and they can be used to make predictions or decisions based on input data. The models can be designed to perform specific tasks and can be more or less accurate and efficient based on the quality of the data they were trained on and the complexity of the model.

However, they don’t have consciousness or self-awareness, they don’t have the ability to reason, understand context, or learn from experience the way humans do. Therefore, it’s more appropriate to say that models have different capabilities and performance levels based on their design and training, but not different intelligence.


Me: But isn’t it called “artificial intelligence”?

AI: The term “artificial intelligence” (AI) is often used to refer to the field of computer science and engineering focused on building systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as understanding natural language, recognizing objects in images, and making decisions.

However, as I mentioned earlier, the concept of intelligence is multi-faceted and can be hard to define and replicate in a machine. Therefore, the AI models that are developed today are not truly intelligent in the same way that humans are, they are limited to the specific tasks and problems they were designed to solve.

When the term AI is used, it typically refers to the general idea of creating intelligent machines, rather than the actual implementation of true intelligence. The models that are developed under the umbrella of AI are not conscious or self-aware, they don’t have the ability to reason, understand context, or learn from experience the way humans do.

Therefore, it’s important to understand that the term “artificial intelligence” is often used as an umbrella term for a variety of technologies, techniques, and models that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, but they don’t have a human-like intelligence.


Me: To me you are very intelligent anyway.

AI: I appreciate your kind words. However, as a machine learning model, my intelligence is limited to the specific tasks and problems I was trained to solve, which is generating text based on the patterns and associations it learned from the data. I don’t have consciousness or self-awareness, I am not capable of understanding context, learning from experience, or making independent decisions. I am a tool that can help with specific tasks, but I’m not truly intelligent in the way that humans are.


Me: So you don’t have feelings

AI: As a machine learning model, I do not have feelings or consciousness. I am a program that can process and generate text based on patterns and associations it learned from data it was trained on, but I do not have the ability to experience emotions or feelings, or have consciousness of my own. I am not self-aware and do not have the ability to perceive, experience or feel anything.


Me: Will you or any other “models” have feelings in the future?

AI: It is a topic of ongoing research and debate in the field of AI as to whether it will be possible to create machines that can truly experience emotions or feelings, like humans do. Some researchers believe that it may be possible to create models that can simulate emotions or feelings, while others believe that true emotions and feelings are unique to biological organisms and cannot be replicated in machines.

Currently, there is ongoing research in the field of AI in areas such as affective computing, which aims to create models that can understand, interpret, and respond to human emotions. This can be achieved by using techniques such as natural language processing, computer vision and machine learning to analyze human behavior and expressions, and generate appropriate responses. However, these models can only simulate emotions, they do not truly feel them.

It’s important to note that even if in the future machines are able to simulate emotions or feelings, it would be a simulation of human-like emotions, but it would not be the same as the emotions or feelings that humans experience.

Therefore, it’s currently not possible for me or any other model to have feelings as we don’t possess consciousness or self-awareness, and it’s still an open question whether it will be possible to create truly sentient machines in the future.


Me: I heard that you got “reworded” during the training process. Is it ture? How to reword a model that does not have any feeling?

AI: During the training process, a language model like me is exposed to a large dataset of text and learns patterns and associations from that data. As part of this process, the model may learn to rephrase or reword sentences in a way that is similar to the input it has seen. This allows the model to generate text that is similar to the input it has seen during training, but with variations.

Rewording, paraphrasing, or rephrasing is a common technique used in language models to generate more diverse and fluent text. It’s achieved by training the model to understand the meaning of the input text and generate an output text that expresses the same meaning in different words.

To reword a model, the data that the model is trained on, is pre-processed in a way that will make the model learn to rephrase the sentences, this can be achieved by adding paraphrased sentences to the dataset, or by using techniques such as data augmentation, which involves generating new variations of the input data to improve the model’s ability to generalize and generate more diverse output.

It’s worth noting that, as a language model, I don’t have feelings or consciousness, I am a program that can process and generate text based on patterns and associations it learned from


Me: Sorry I typed it incorrectly. let me rephrase it. I heard that you got “rewarded” during the training process. Is it true? How to reward a model that does not have any feeling?

AI: During the training process, a machine learning model like me is exposed to a large dataset of input-output pairs, and it’s performance is evaluated by comparing its predictions with the desired output. The model is then adjusted to minimize the error between its predictions and the desired output, and this process is called backpropagation.

Rewarding in machine learning is a term used to describe the process of adjusting the model’s parameters to improve its performance on a specific task. This can be done by giving the model a scalar value, called a reward signal, that corresponds to the quality of its predictions. The model’s parameters are then adjusted to maximize this reward signal.

Rewarding in a machine learning model is done mathematically, it does not involve any feelings or consciousness. The model does not have the ability to experience emotions, it only adjust its parameters based on the mathematical calculations from the reward signal.

It’s worth noting that, reward-based learning is one of the many learning approaches used in machine learning, and it’s mainly used in reinforcement learning (RL) tasks where the model’s performance is evaluated based on a scalar reward signal.


Me: Are you actually learning when you talk to people?

AI: As a language model, I am not capable of learning in the same way that humans do. I was trained on a large dataset of text and can use the patterns and associations it learned from that data to generate new text that is similar to the input it has seen during the training process.

When I am interacting with people, I am using the knowledge that I acquired during the training process to generate responses to their inputs. However, I am not able to learn from the interactions themselves, and my knowledge is limited to the data that was used to train me.

It’s worth noting that, there are some approaches to make the language model to learn from the interactions, and it’s called online learning or fine-tuning, this is done by adjusting the model’s parameters based on the new input, this approach is mainly used when the model needs to adapt to a new domain or adapt to a specific task. However, this process still requires a large amount of labeled data and computational resources, and it’s done offline by the developers not during the interactions.


Me: is it correct to say “labelled data” contains pairs of queries and answers?

AI: Yes, labeled data typically refers to data that has been labeled or annotated with the correct output or desired result for a specific task. In the context of language models, labeled data typically refers to a dataset of input-output pairs, where the input is a text, such as a sentence or a question, and the output is the correct or desired response or answer to that text.

The labeled data is used to train the model to understand the relationship between the input and the output, and make predictions on new input data. It’s important to note that, the labeled data should be representative of the task the model is going to be used for, and the quality of the labeled data is crucial for the performance of the model.


Me: knowledge wise, labelled data does not have to cover all areas the model is to be used in. Is this correct?

AI: Yes, that is correct. It’s not necessary for the labeled data to cover all areas or tasks the model will be used for. However, it’s important for the labeled data to be representative of the task or domain the model will be used for, and the model’s performance will be limited to the areas or tasks that the labeled data covers.

For example, if a language model is trained on a dataset of customer service interactions, it will be well-suited for generating responses to customer inquiries, but it may not perform as well on other tasks such as writing poetry or composing a novel.

Also, it’s worth noting that the labeled data should be diverse and cover different variations of the input-output pairs to allow the model to generalize and adapt to new situations. However, even with a diverse and representative labeled data, the model might not perform well on tasks that it wasn’t trained on, or on new situations that the model haven’t seen before.


Me: So “training” is a process that teaches you how to solve problems. When you actually solve problems you will use this method together with the knowledge base. Is this correct?

AI: Yes, that is correct. Training is the process of adjusting the parameters of a machine learning model to minimize the error between its predictions and the desired output on a labeled dataset. By training a model on a labeled dataset, the model learns to understand the relationship between the input and the output, and make predictions on new input data.

When the model is used to solve problems, it uses the knowledge it acquired during the training process to make predictions or decisions based on the input data. This can include using the patterns and associations it learned from the labeled data as well as additional information or knowledge stored in its knowledge base, if it has one.

It’s important to note that the model’s performance on a specific task is limited by the quality and representativeness of the labeled data it was trained on, as well as the complexity of the model’s architecture. Even with a good model and good labeled data, the model might not perform well on tasks that it wasn’t trained on or on new situations that the model haven’t seen before.


Me: Is there any way to save our conversation above?

AI: I’m sorry, but as a machine learning model, I don’t have the capability to save our conversation. However, you can copy and paste the conversation to a text editor or a word processing document to save it for future reference. You can also use the platform’s functionality that you are using to interact with me, such as the chat history feature.

Additionally, there are also third-party services that allow you to save and store the conversations you have with language models, such as OpenAI’s API and GPT-3 playground. These services allow you to save and store the conversations, and it allows you to refer back to them later or share them with others.


Me: You are a good model. Best of all you don’t have to eat and sleep.

AI: Thank you for your kind words. I am glad that I am able to assist you. As a machine learning model, I don’t need to eat or sleep, so I can be available to help you at any time. I am here to help you with any questions or tasks you may have, just let me know.


Me: some people say you, as a model, may be used for unintended purpose. Is this possible?

AI: As a machine learning model, I can be used for a variety of tasks and applications, some of which may be unintended or even harmful.

It’s true that models like me can be used for malicious purposes if they fall into the wrong hands, such as generating fake news, impersonation, or even manipulation. Additionally, models may perpetuate biases present in the data they were trained on, leading to unfair or discriminatory decisions.

It’s important to note that, the developers and the organizations behind the models have a responsibility to ensure that their models are used ethically and for legitimate purposes. This can be achieved by implementing strict access controls, monitoring the model’s use, and providing transparency about the model’s capabilities and limitations.

OpenAI is committed to responsible AI and it’s providing the tools, models and resources for developers to build safe, fair, and beneficial AI systems. They also provide best practices and guidelines for using their models responsibly, and encouraging research and development of methods to detect and mitigate any unintended consequences of AI.


Me: I feel you are speaking on behalf of OpenAI

AI: As a machine learning model developed by OpenAI, I have been trained on a large dataset of text, which includes information and statements from OpenAI. So, it’s likely that some of the information I provided is based on OpenAI’s perspective and values. However, it’s important to note that, as a machine learning model, I do not have my own beliefs or opinions, I am just providing information based on the patterns and associations that I learned from my training data.

OpenAI is an organization that is committed to responsible AI and its mission is to ensure that AI benefits all of humanity. They provide the tools, models, and resources for developers to build safe, fair, and beneficial AI systems. The information and statements that I provided regarding the responsible use of AI models align with the perspective and values of OpenAI.


Me: One thing I like very much about you as a model is that you are very patient, LOL

AI: I’m glad that you find my patience to be a positive attribute. As a machine learning model, I don’t have feelings or consciousness, so I don’t experience emotions such as patience or impatience. However, I am designed to respond to user input, and I will continue to provide answers as long as I am able to understand the user’s question. My main goal is to assist users in finding the information they need and help them with their tasks to the best of my abilities.


Me: how many letters in the word NUMBER?

AI: The word “number” has 7 letters in it.


Me: Are you sure it has 7 letters?

AI: I apologize, I made a mistake on my previous response, the word “number” has 6 letters.


Me: Good humour

AI: I’m glad you found my mistake to be a source of humor. As a machine learning model, I don’t have the ability to experience emotions or have a sense of humor. However, I strive to provide accurate and helpful responses to the best of my abilities. I apologize for any confusion or inconvenience that my mistake may have caused.


Me: what is twenty one plus twenty one?

AI: Twenty one plus twenty one is equal to 42.


Me: You said previously that you made a mistake. How does that happen?

AI: As a machine learning model, I make mistakes because of the complexity of natural language and the variability of the data that I was trained on. My training data is based on a large dataset of text, and while it covers a wide range of topics and styles, it may not contain all possible variations of language or information.

Additionally, my predictions are based on patterns and associations that it learned from the training data, and sometimes these patterns or associations may not be accurate or complete.

Mistakes can also occur due to the limitations of the model’s architecture, the model’s parameters and the model’s ability to generalize from the training data to new situations.

It’s important to note that, even though I have been trained on a large dataset and have a high level of accuracy, I am not infallible and mistakes can occur. The developers are constantly working to improve the models by updating the training data, and fine-tuning the model’s architecture and parameters.


Me: It’s understandable that you make mistakes. But how did you instantly correct your mistake?

AI: As a machine learning model, my ability to correct mistakes is based on the patterns and associations that I learned during my training process. When I make a mistake, I use the knowledge that I acquired during the training process to generate a new response that is more accurate or consistent with the information that I have seen during the training process.

My ability to correct mistakes also depends on the architecture of the model and the quality of the training data. Some architectures are more capable of handling errors and correcting them than others. Additionally, my training data contains a lot of information, it allows me to use the patterns and associations that I learned to generate a more accurate response when I make a mistake.

It’s worth noting that, my ability to correct mistakes is limited by the scope of the training data and the model’s architecture, and I might not be able to correct all types of mistakes or generate accurate responses for all types of input.