



記得1992年8月澳洲華文作協在墨爾本成立,我是第一批創會會員。我非常想在昆州創立一個分會,那時維州和新州分會的會長張至璋和黃雍廉都是台灣背景,要知道1980年代後期從大陸來澳洲留學的大多是借了重債出來拼命打工的,在華社毫無影響。有人介紹我去找您,首次在南岸科技學院,我見到了在那裡教電子工程的Principal Teacher(相當於大學教授)的您,我當時在離南岸學院不遠的昆州遠程學院教書,和南岸學院同屬一個系統。我們談得非常投機,一拍即合,您還請我吃了午餐,從此成為莫逆之交,我不愛客套就尊您為蔣大哥。很快您用您的影響,聯繫和召集了一批人,一個昆華分會在第二個月就成立了。


回顧您創會的思想和本會的發展過程,感到您對年輕的華文文學寫作者、寫作新手哪怕只是文學愛好者,都是同樣的發掘、關愛、支持和吸收,且一視同仁,絕無歧視,所以直到今天,一談起您,所有新老會員都對您眾口讚譽。但您又及其謙虛,毫不眷戀虛名,絕對信任地推選我擔任了 第二屆會長,您對以後的各任會長李曉蒂等的工作都絕對尊重、支持和放手,但一旦他們有困難時,您又義不容辭地站出來幫助。



記得那時的投稿者眾多,稿源不斷,我有幸被您任命為執行編輯,我的已故前妻張迪珊挑起了打字、排版、美化、廣告和財務的擔子。幾乎所有昆華作協的會員都會來參加義務的編排和校對工作,我記不清當時所有參與者的名字了,若有遺漏敬請原諒,記得有李曉蒂和夫人沈醫生、王逸華、孫靈芝、盧院芬、黃埔娥、周善定、王欣、我和張迪珊。我們對出版質量如此重視,抱著對作者和讀者負責的態度,對打印出來的初稿非常細心地進行校對,一校不夠還作二校,盡量杜絕錯誤。《澳華月刊》內容絕對豐富,用現在的話來說,絕對是乾貨,水分很少,從詩歌、散文、短小說、時事點評、人物專訪到澳洲和國際要聞,當然還有醫學、財經、法律等專稿。我們這樣一個沒有財源的小刊物,您堅持要對作者發每千字10澳元的稿費,注意,那是20多年前的10澳元,那時麵包8毛錢一條、汽油4毛錢一公升,新的townhouse 12萬一棟!可以說,在澳洲很少有像您那樣尊重作者的創作和腦力勞動的華文刊物!


回憶當時在您領導下昆華作協定期舉行了無數的活動和講座,地點從West End社區中心、您創辦的幼稚園、宗親會的會議廳(已故許成堅先生是宗親會幹事)直到昆大可坐幾百人的梯形教室;昆華舉辦過的無數講座中,朱立、黃苗子、郁風、王逸華、王欣和我本人都做過講座,還有來自中國的著名作家李輝、著名作家兼書法家洪丕謨教授,甚至請來了武俠小說泰斗梁羽生老先生和香港著名作家陳耀南教授來做講座。此外我們還同其他協會,如蔡牧師領導的文化更新研究中心等,一起幫助著名畫家黃苗子、郁風以及後來還有周綠雲等舉辦過大型畫展。


但昆華作協卻是您最關愛的brain child,所以始終關注並在身體許可的情況下在蔣太陪同下堅持參加活動,有時還給予資助或雙倍支付會費,直到幾年前。在您臥病期間還在見到去探訪您的作協會員時喜形於色,顯得特別高興。



Mrs Kim Chiang, Louisa, Paul, Peter and Mr Chiang’s family, all those who come to say good-bye and pay tribute to Mr Jerome Chiang, ladies and gentlemen.

In this jacaranda bloom season, you, Jerome, have left us quietly.  27 years ago, in 1992, also in this season of jacaranda bloom, the QLD Chinese writers association was established under your leadership, as a branch of Australian Chinese Writers’ Association.

I first met you and discussed with you the matter of establishing a Chinese Writers Association for the State of Queensland at the Southbank Institute of Technology where you were teaching as a principal teacher in electronics technology, me myself was then teaching at a close-by institute: the Queensland Distance Education Institute.

We met a couple of times and then because of your reputation and vast network of talented writers and previous newspaper editors, literature lovers, the Association was soon founded, you were elected the first president, and you had laid down as the Association’s purpose or aims – Writing to make friends, and principals of 3 nons: non-political, non-religious and non-profit making, which we have loyally preserved till this day.

Many Chinese organisations or associations have broken down or split because of all kinds of problems and difficulties, the major one being leadership fight, however, our association, after so many years, after so many changes of presidents and management councils, with so many new comers and new memberships, we have been united as one because of these aims and principals that we handed down from one management team to another without being altered or abandoned.

At that time we had a number of heavy-weight members, those famous painters and artists and prose writers, and a number of renowned university professors, attracted by your reputation and good name.

In the next year, you, Jerome acquired monthly magazine and made it our association publication, a magazine called the Australian Chinese Monthly for our members to publish their works: fiction, short stories, poetry, prose, political analysis and commentaries and everything we wrote.

In spite of all kinds of difficulties, from no financial sources, no funding, no experience, no technology support, your son Pastor Paul was our computer adviser and technician, the Monthly had been going on very successfully for five and half years till the end of 1997.

Your home had become the editing office of the Monthly with some old computers, a printer and a photocopier and many members came to volunteer in editing, typing, checking, prof-reading, etc., with such enthusiasm, every time before the magazine was published.  We all cherished the good time as everybody was busy but very happy to see a new publication, our brain child being born with efforts of all the members.

Although we did not have good revenue from advertisements, you insisted on paying the writers for their contributions as you respected and recognised the writers’ hard work and their contributions must be rewarded.

The publications were hugely rich with contents so they attracted lots of writers and were never short of contributions.  However, we also paid attention to the current international and domestic matters and affairs so we published an open letter to the Japanese Embassy in Australia protesting Japan’s occupation of the China’s Diaoyu Island, and we also published articles protesting against Pauline Hanson’s racism, for this, Jerome, you as one of the editors in chief published a book Under the Southern Cross, compiling articles written by our members to show Chinese Queenslanders’ contributions to the Australian multicultural society.  The book later was published in English with Ronald Li’s hard efforts.

Under your leadership, Jerome, the Association organised so many activities including lectures by famous local and international writers, scholars and professors and we also organised, with assistance from other organizations, art-exhibitions, displaying painting works of some world renowned Brisbane Chinese artists, some of them were our members.

All those who know you can never forget your noble personality and your kindness helping poor students from China in establishing their businesses, yet you always held a very low key in what you had done for the Chinese community and for many individual persons.

We, our members, old and new, love you so much that we visited you in your illness, and you were so happy to see them even though you were bed-ridden because of poor health.

Today so many of our members have come to celebrate your glorious life and pay tribute to you and they are assuring you, with our hardworking and talented new Presidents such as Mr Gang Wei and Ms Laura Fu, we will continue to grow and we will never go astray from the aim and principals you had set for the Association.

May you stay rest in the bosom of Almighty God!